Thursday, April 26, 2012

Please answer.

my english not is very good ok? i speak spanish
1-i would know, what pass if I edit my players of chelsea(for example and up yours abilities) y after play online? this is can? or no can?
2-yesterday i played online with a player and he was chelsea , but the names of yours players were rare (for example
.this are some names rares: f.Mendel ---D.d .Dk----and a playares named /9/ , the name of the player was the number /9/ . Why pass this?????????|||1.If you edit your players then they won't be edited in Head to Head matches but if you go too Head to Head matches and custom matches then they will stay how you edited them.
2. Players names are prone to mess up on FIFA, you may have been in an unranked lobby, i.e. custom match where his players name may have corrupted, he may just need to re-download squad update.
1.Si usted editar tus jugadores, entonces no va a ser editado en la cabeza a los partidos de la cabeza, pero si vas demasiado Cara a cara los partidos y los partidos costumbre entonces se quedarán como usted las ha editado.
2. Nombres de los jugadores son propensos a meterse hasta en la FIFA, que puede haber estado en un grupo de presión no clasificados, es decir, a medida que coincidan * su nombre de los jugadores puede haber dañado, tal vez sólo tenga que volver a descargar la actualización de fusilamiento.
I used Google translate, so sory if Spanish is incorrect

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